Friday, 23 December 2011

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

there is already jdbc pallet , why do we need adb adapter?

Pros and cons of JDBC and ADB Adapter:

1) JDBC activity Supports Transaction (available in GROUPING)
whereas ADB doesn't support it.
2) Using JDBC activities you can invoke a procedure/function,
dynamically construct queries using these activities.
3) Schema should be equal to the table structure in ADB,
otherwise you canĂ¢€™t handle a table.
You need not to define a schema while using JDBC activities.
4) In ADB whenever there is a table structure/field change this
will reflected easily by clicking on
refresh button
5) In ADB you can map to the particular table. Once it is mapped
you have to point to another table by using another ADB
activity, where as in JDBC you can easily point to any database
table (select * from ). Need not to configure prior
to the execution.
6) In ADB you have supporting table so that you can easily get
the status of the message to be published or not.
7) For high load/performance use ADB Adapter.

Where we will go for ADB adapter and JDBC Activities?

ADB adapter is a technology adapter, which is is used to trigger a process at some event.And this sends message to ESB at Queue or Topic when an insert or update occur on the given table.And a message is sent to the Queue or Topic.
Whereas, JDBC palletes are simple pallete whcich are used fo JDBC Queries and and JDBC Insert statments or Stored Procedures in the database.


There is a huge difference between ADB adapter and JDBC palette.
JDBC palette activities are used during process design in designer in order to perform various operation related to database like basic insert , update , select queries etc.
whereas the ADB adapter a tool that can be used for event based communication between database and the ESB. If the adapter has been configured for some database event (i.e insertion of a row in some table) , then the adapter will notify ESB about this event and vice versa ..


There is a lot a functional advantages and disadvantages between those two.
If you have the data load some where between low to medium, then u should go for JDBC paletttes otherwise go for ADB adapter, basically it is well designed to handle medium to high data loads.
if you use ADB adapter, the data load will be on the adapter archive instance running on the admin not the process archive..
more over u cannot implement roll-back mechanism just like JDBC transaction group, whereas JDBC palettes handles this scenario much better way..

Monday, 28 November 2011

What is the difference between sqldirect and other jdbc activities?

tibco faq

1. What is the difference between sqldirect and other jdbc activities?
2. What is the difference between shared variable, jobshared variable, process variables and global variables?
3. What are the archive files in .ear?
4.  Where we will go for ADB adapter and JDBC Activities?
5.  What is the difference between Filepoller and file adapter?
6.  What is persistant, nonpersistant queue in EMS?
8.  What is static queue, dynamic queue and temporary queue?
7. What are the transactions in tibco?
8. What is the difference between parsed xml and render xml?
9. Explain some errors in while deployment the .ear?
10. Explain error handling mechanism?
12. What is the difference between RV (rendezvous) and jms?
13. How to install tibco software components (sequence to install the components)?
14. What is the role of tra?
15. What is the difference between parse data and render data?
16. What is the use of spawn option in called process?
17. What is the use of transaction?
18. Explain critical section group?
20. What is the difference between queues and topics?
21. What is the use of bridges in ems?
22. What is the difference between reliable, certified, distributed queues in RV?
23. What Abstract wsdl and concrete wsdl?
24. What is the use of ESB BUS?
25.  What is difference between publish by value, publishby reference modes in ADB adapter?
26.   What is the use of confirm activity, checkpoint and how to use?
27. What is the difference between SOAP Event Source and Service Activity?
28. What is the purpose of “Retrieve Resource” activity?
29.  What is use of HAWK and what are the components present in HAWK?
30. What is the use of Query Builder in JDBC query Activity?
31. What is the use of “Override Transaction behavior” option in JDBC Activities?
32. What are the properties that we can set to a queue or topic?
33. What are the protocols that RV and EMS use?
34. What is fault tolerance and Load Balancing in tibco EMS and where to configure?
35. What are the configuration files present in TIBCO/EMS/bin?
36. What is force deployment?
37. Where we define error schema for generate error activity?
38. What is Generate Error, Catch, and Rethrow activities?
39. What are the other tibco components that automatically comes along with tibco tra installation?

40. What are the acknowledgement modes available in tibco EMS?
41. What are file based and process based ledgers in TIBCO RVCM?
42. What is the role of domain utility?
43. What is webservice and what protocol it uses?
44. What is the difference between SOAP Over JMS/HTTP?
45.  What is the use of durable subscribers?
46. What is file based storage and database storage in TIBCO EMS and where we will configure it?
47. What is difference between GUI Mode, Console Mode and Silent mode of installation?
48. How to define security to EMS sever Or use of SSL in tibco EMS?
49. List the X-path functions that you recently used?
50. What is difference between Render XML activity and tib: renderxml X-path function?
51. What is the use of SSL and HTTPS?
52. What is flow limit and max jobs?
53. What is lock object and where it is used?
54. What is the use of pick first and critical section?
55. What protocol that RV uses and explain about UDP and TRDB protocol?

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

What is the default Axis in XPath ?

Child axis- What this means is that when you select "BOOK" from the current context, it selects a child node with that name, not a sibling with that name. Other axes are parent , self , sibling etc.

What are the output formats for XSLT?

  • XML
  • HTML
  • Text

What does ' Success if no matching condition' transition mean ?

Lets say between two nodes N1 and N2, there are 3 success transitions with condition and there is no success transition without condition. If none of the conditions match then a 'Success if no matching condition' transition can be used. Also if there is a success transition and also success transitions with condition and if the condition matches then both the success transition (no condition) as well as the transition(s) with matching conditions are followed. So you can use 'Success if no matching condition' to prevent duplicate paths of execution.

What are the different types of Transactions TIBCO provides?

TIBCO BusinessWorks offers a variety of types of transactions that can be used in different situations. You can use the type of transaction that suits the needs of your integration project. When you create a transaction group, you must specify the type of transaction. TIBCO BusinessWorks supports the following types of transactions:
  • JDBC
  • Java Transaction API (JTA) UserTransaction
  • XA Transaction

What are the TIBCO BW activities that can participate in transactions?

Not all TIBCO BusinessWorks activities can participate in a transaction. Only the following types of activities have transactional capabilities:
  • JDBC activities
  • JMS activities
  • ActiveEnterprise Adapter activities that use JMS transports
  • EJB activities
  • TIBCO iProcess BusinessWorks Connector activities

What is vcrepo.dat?

TIBCO Designer creates a file named vcrepo.dat in the project root directory when you first save the project. This file is used to store properties such as display name, TIBCO Rendezvous encoding, and description. This file can be used for identification in place of the project root directory and can be used as the repository locator string (repoUrl).

What are the different modes of service invocation?

Services can be invoked in several ways.
  • A one-way operation is executed once and does not wait for a response.
  • A request-response operation is executed once and waits for one response. In a request-response service, communication flows in both directions. The complete interaction consists of two point-to-point messages—a request and a response. The interaction is only considered complete after the response has arrived.
  • Publication (notification) means an operation sends information on an as-needed basis, potentially multiple times.
  • Subscription means incoming information is processed on an as-needed basis, potentially multiple times.

What are the revision control system options available in TIBCO designer?

  • File sharing
  • VSS
  • Perforce
  • XML Canon
  • ClearCase
  • iPlanet
  • PVCS

What is the role of TRA?

TRA stands for TIBCO Runtime Agent. The TRA has two main functions:

Supplies an agent that is running in the background on each machine.

The agent is responsible for starting and stopping processes that run on a machine according to the deployment information.

The agent monitors the machine.

That information is then visible via TIBCO Administrator.

Supplies the run-time environment, that is, all shared libraries including third-party libraries.

What is Tibco ?

Tibco makes integration server software for enterprises.

An integration server allows a company to mix packaged applications, custom software, and legacy software for use across internal and external networks.

Tibco's patented approach is called Information Bus (TIB)and

Tibco says that it has been used in financial services, telecommunications, electronic commerce, transportation, manufacturing, and energy.

Active Enterprise is Tibco's integration server package that supports both message-bus and hub-and-spoke integration server models.

The message-bus model connects the different applications to a common backbone using application adapters.

The hub-and-spoke model connects all applications to a central server.

Tibco's latest addition to Active Enterprise is Business Works, which uses Web Services technology.

Monday, 31 October 2011

Sunday, 30 October 2011

tibco Creating Projects

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks allows you to create a project from scratch or to create a template-based project.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

pune to hyderabad trains

01:25 AM
(Pune Jn)
11:30 AM
10h 5m
All Days
Sc Shatabdi
06:00 AM
(Pune Jn)
02:30 PM
(Secunderabad Jn)
8h 30m
Tue, Thu, Sat & Sun
02:15 PM
(Pune Jn)
03:40 AM
13h 25m
Mon, Wed & Sat
03:35 PM
(Pune Jn)
02:00 AM
(Secunderabad Jn)
10h 25m
Thu & Sun
04:35 PM
(Pune Jn)
04:53 AM
12h 18m
All Days
07:05 PM
(Pune Jn)
07:50 AM
(Secunderabad Jn)
12h 45m
All Days
09:15 PM
(Pune Jn)
09:06 AM
11h 51m
Mon & Sun
10:30 PM
(Pune Jn)
10:20 AM
(Secunderabad Jn)
11h 50m
10:30 PM
(Pune Jn)
10:30 AM
(Secunderabad Jn)
Mon, Wed & Thu

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Collaborator

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Collaborator gives companies the ability
to coordinate business activities, measure their efficiency, and optimize them
over time. The product facilitates complete visibility into business activities,
along with the ability to collaborate on the modeling and modification of the
rules and flows that define business those activities. TIBCO ActiveMatrix
BusinessWorks Collaborator uses TIBCO Designer for configuration of
FormFlows processes and for preparing Enterprise Archive files.

On Shutdown process starter

The On Shutdown process starter specifies a process to execute when
the process engine shuts down, after all process instances are
The On Shutdown process starter can be useful for specifying any
post-processing that must be done before shutting down the engine. For example,
your application may back up a database table then purge the data. Also, you
may wish to send email to administrators notifying them that the process engine
is shutting down.
Typically, you create one process definition that uses the On Shutdown process
starter and place all post-processing activities into that process definition.
However, you can have more than one process definition that uses the On
Shutdown process starter. All process definitions with the On Shutdown process
starter execute in no specific order when the process engine shuts down.

On Notification Timeout process

The On Notification Timeout process starter specifies a process to
execute when a timeout is reached for storing notification data for a
Notify activity

On Event Timeout process starter

The On Event Timeout process starter specifies a process to execute
when a Wait For ... activity discards an incoming event due to a
timeout. A Wait For ... activity’s event timeout is specified by the
Event Timeout field on the Event tab of the activity.
The default behavior for an event timeout is to confirm and then discard the
event. You can override the default behavior by creating a process definition
using the On Event Timeout process starter.
You can specify an On Event Timeout process definition for a specific event source
(that is, a specific Wait For... activity). You can specify one or more On Event
Timeout process definitions for specific event sources, but you should not create
more than one process definition for the same event source. Once a Wait For...
activity experiences a timeout, that timeout can only apply to one On Event
Timeout process definition.
You can also specify that an On Event Timeout process definition applies to any
event source that experiences a timeout. If there is no On Event Timeout specified
for a particular event source, the process engine calls the On Event Timeout
process definition whose Any Event Source field is checked.

Null activity

The Null activity is an activity with no action performed. This activity
has a name and a description specified on the Configuration tab, but
there is no input or output for the activity.
This activity is useful if you wish to join multiple process flows. That is,
when you have multiple transitions out of an activity and each transition takes a
different path in the process definition, you can create a transition from the
activity at the end of each path to a Null activity to resume a single flow of
execution in the process.

Notify Configuration resource

The Notify Configuration resource specifies a schema to use for
passing data between executing process instances. Corresponding
Receive Notification, Notify, and Wait activities use the same
Notify Configuration resource to define the data for inter-process
communication. The schema can be empty, if you do not wish to pass data
between processes.

Notify activity

The Notify activity allows a process instance to send data to a
corresponding process instance containing a Wait activity or Receive
Notification process starter. The Notify Configuration resource specified
on the Configuration tab and the key specified on the Input tab create the
relationship between the Notify activity and the corresponding Wait or Receive
Notification. The data specified in the Notify’s input is sent to the Wait or Receive
Notification that specifies the same Notify Configuration resource and has the
same value for the key.

Mapper activity

The Mapper activity adds a new process variable to the process
definition. This variable can be a simple datatype, a TIBCO
ActiveEnterprise schema, an XML schema, or a complex structure. You
can map data values from the current list of process variables to the
elements of the variable added with the Mapper activity.

Lock Object

Lock Object shared configuration resources are used by Critical Section
groups to ensure that only one process instance executes the activities in a
critical section group at a time.
The Lock Object resource can be used to synchronize process instances
from more than one process definition in the same process engine, or it can be
used to synchronize process instances across multiple process engines.

Label activity

The Label resource allows you to create a generic label so that you can
provide documentation and comments in your process definition. The
Label is not an activity, because you cannot draw transitions to or from it,
and it does not perform any action. You use the label to create a
descriptive tag that you can place anywhere in a process definition

Job Shared Variable

A Job Shared Variable shared configuration resource allows you to
store data for use by each process instance. A copy of the variable
is created for each new process instance. This resource is useful for
passing data to and from sub-processes without creating an input
or output schema for the called process.
You can use the Get Shared Variable and Set Shared Variable activities to access
the data instead of mapping data to a called processes input or output schemas.
New process instances receive a copy of the variable, so data cannot be shared
across process instances. Therefore, if a called process has the Spawn
configuration field checked, a new process instance is created and the process
instance receives a new copy of the job shared variable.

JNDI Configuration

The JNDI Configuration shared configuration resource provides a
way to specify JNDI connection information that can be shared by
other resources. This resource can be specified in any resource that
permits JNDI connections. For example, JDBC Connection and
JMS Connection can use JNDI connections

Inspector activity

The Inspector activity is used to write the output of any or all activities
and process variables to a file and/or stdout. This is particularly useful
when debugging process definitions and you wish to see the entire
schema instead of mapping specific elements to the Write File activity

Get Shared Variable activity

The Get Shared Variable activity retrieves the current value of a Shared
Variable or Job Shared Variable resource. If you are using this activity to
retrieve the value of a Shared Variable resource, you may want to use a
critical section group to ensure that no other process instances are
altering the value of the shared variable at the same time.

Generate Error Activity

This activity generates an error and causes an immediate transition to
any error transitions. If there are no error transitions, the process
instance halts execution. This activity is useful in a group or in a
called process. If you would like to catch and raise your own error
conditions, you can use this activity to do so.

External Command activity

The External Command activity allows you to execute an operating
system command. This activity waits for the command to complete
before transitioning to the next activity. Optionally, the command
output and any errors can be included in this activity’s output
schema, written to a file, or both.

Engine Command activity

The Engine Command activity allows you to retrieve statistics and
information about process definitions, process instances, and
activities in the currently running process engine. This activity also
lets you perform engine maintenance, such as suspending and
resuming process instances and shutting down the engine.
This activity uses TIBCO Hawk to perform the desired command. A direct call is
made to the TIBCO Hawk AMI method (no message is sent).

Before using this activity, the Hawk.Enabled property must be set to either true
or local. Also, some commands require memory and processor overhead for
gathering statistics or for getting information on the current state of the process.
Because of the performance implications, certain instrumentation is disabled by
default. You can enable instrumentation for a specific process or for all processes
with the Instrumentation property.

Custom Activity

The Custom Activity resource allows you to create an activity that
references a process definition. This is useful if you wish to develop
processes for others to use, but you also wish to hide the
implementation details of the process from users. The Custom
Activity behaves like any other TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks activity.
You can also package and distribute custom activities within custom palettes

Confirm activity

The Confirm activity confirms any confirmable messages received by
the process instance. For example, if a process is started because of the
receipt of an RVCM message, the Confirm activity can send a
confirmation message to the publisher of the RVCM message.

Checkpoint activity

The Checkpoint activity performs a checkpoint in a running process
instance. A checkpoint saves the current process data and state so that it
can be recovered at a later time in the event of a failure. If a process
engine fails, all process instances can be recovered and resume
execution at the location of their last checkpoint in the process definition. If a
process instance fails due to an unhandled exception or manual termination, it
can optionally be recovered at a later time, if the process engine is configured to
save checkpoint data for failed processes.

Catch activity

The Catch activity receives control of execution when an unhandled
exception occurs. You can select a specific exception type to catch or you
can specify that this activity should catch all unhandled exceptions. You
can have more than one Catch activity in each exception scope, but each
Catch activity must have a unique exception type.
The Catch activity allows you to transition to activities you wish to perform to
handle the exception. Transitions are permitted between Catch tracks within an
exception scope, but you can not transition back to the main execution track from
the Catch track.
If you wish to propagate the caught exception to the next highest scope, use the
Rethrow activity.

Call Process activity

The Call Process activity calls and executes an existing process
definition. The input to the called process is defined in the Start
activity of the called process. The output of the called process is
defined in the End activity of the called process

Assign activity

The Assign activity allows you to assign a value to a user-defined
process variable

General Activities Palette

The General Activities palette contains several general-purpose activities and
process starters. For example, the Timer process starter is used to start a process at
a specific time.

Assign, page 135
• Call Process,
• Catch,
• Checkpoint
• Confirm
• Engine Command
• External Command
• Generate Error
• Get Shared Variable
• Inspector
• Job Shared Variable
• Label
• Lock Object
• Mapper,
• Notify,
• Notify Configuration
• Null,
• On Event Timeout,
• On Notification Timeout,

Saturday, 22 October 2011

EDA – Event Driven Architecture

An approach to building decoupled distributed applications in which events and messages are utilized to coordinate components
An event is a record of activity, typically a state change
Events can impact multiple processes

SOA – Service Oriented Architecture

An approach to building loosely-coupled distributed applications using a collection of services

A service is a self-contained software component utilizing a request-response operation within a well defined interface/endpoint

An SOA is essentially a collection of services whose interaction can be modeled, monitored, and managed

EAI Products list

TIBCO(The Information Bus COmpany)
IBM Websphere MQ
Web Logic Integration – BEA Systems
Web Sphere Enterprise Service Bus – IBM
ServiceMix – Apache Software Foundation
OpenESB – Sun Micro Systems

Scalability and extensibility

The project must be scalable (respond to increasing demand) and extensible (allow integration of new applications or addition of new business processes).

Extensibility also means that the project must be flexible and adaptable so you can potentially adapt it to multiple departments in the same company

Short deployment cycle

The integration project must be ready to go to production within a realistic timeframe and deploying from development to a running project must go smoothly.

Components of a Process Definition




Shared Configuration Resources

Sub Processes

TIBCO Enterprise Message Server (EMS)

TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™ software lets application programs send and receive messages according to the Java Message Service (JMS) protocol.


TIBCO Hawk is a tool used to manage and monitor distribution applications within the enterprise

TIBCO Administrator

TIBCO administration domain is a collection of users, machines, and TIBCO BusinessWorks components that a TIBCO Administration Server monitors and manages. 

There is only one Administration Server for each administration domain.

Whenever multiple machines works in a distributed way, it is necessary that they all should belong to same Administration Domain.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Engine

The TIBCO BusinessWorks engine runs the business processes in test mode and at run-time.

The engine starts process instances based on the process definitions stored in your project.

TIBCO Designer

TIBCO Designer software: It is an easy to use graphical user interface for design-time configuration of TIBCO applications.

TIBCO BusinessWorks is installed on top of Designer to add resources and adapters for ActiveEnterprise (AE).

Process Definitions, SharedConnections, SharedResources will also appear in the tree.

TIBCO BusinessWorks Key Components

TIBCO Designer

TIBCO BusinessWorks Engine

TIBCO Administrator

TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA)


TIBCO Enterprise Message Server (EMS)

History of TIBCO

TIBCO is the successor to a portion of the business of Teknekron Software Systems, Inc.

Teknekron was founded in 1985 by Vivek RanadivĂ© and developed software, known as The Information Bus™ (TIB), 
for the integration and delivery of market data
  – such as stock quotes, news and other financial information 
   – in trading rooms of large banks and financial services institutions.

Friday, 21 October 2011

what is middleware

Middleware is computer software that connects software components or people and their applications.

The software consists of a set of services that allows multiple processes running on one or more machines to interact.

This technology evolved to provide for interoperability in support of the move to coherent distributed architectures, which are most often used to support and simplify complex distributed applications.

It includes web servers, application servers, and similar tools that support application development and delivery. Middleware is especially integral to modern information technology based on XML, SOAP, Web services, and service-oriented architecture.

meaning of web services

A Web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices over a network.

what is 2 tier architecture

Question: Two-Tier and Three-Tier Architecture?

I want know about 2-tier architecture and 3-tier architecture. Please explain me with some examples.


Basically 2 tier architecture : This has 2 parts namely client (front
end) and database (back end).The window application
generally developed in this technology

3 tier architecture :
1 Client-front end (request is given through client) logic :Middle layer (protocols are used for
processing the request)
3. Database :back end (response is given to the client)
Web applications are good examples for 3 tier architecture

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Essential Skills:

1)Business Works on TRA and EMS.

2)Very strong technical and analytical skills with good communication skills is a must.

3)Should have good knowledge of coding standards and best practices.

4)Must have sound database concepts.

5)Should be a good team player to lead and mentor other junior developers within the team.

6)Domain exerience in Energy &Utility domain. Also Telecom domain knowledge is preferred.

7)Over all 4+ years of experience in TIBCO with Unix knowledge

8)Good in Tibco BW , Administrator, TIBCO Active Matrix Business Works, EMS, XML,SOAP

9)TIBCO Installation/ System Administration experience in any flavor of UNIX

10)TIBCO code deployment, Environment Set up for testing/development

11)Knowledge of iProcess, CIM(collaborative Information manager), GI(General Interface)

12)Good knowledge of shell Scripts, Sed & AWK and scripting

13)Experience in OS upgrade, Application Installation on Unix

14)Troubleshooting Operating system, Device related errors

15)HP QC defect Management, Environment Support, Software/Hot fix Installation
Good Oral and Communication skills

16)Experience in Tibco iProcess

17)Certified on TIBCO Active matrix BPM

18)Advance knowledge of working on i-process modeling & support [ Must to have skill – Primary Skill – Required(R*)]

19)Excellent knowledge of TIBCO EMS, TIBCO Business Works. [ Nice to have skill – Secondary Skill – Conditionally Required(RO*)]

20)Knowledge of TIBCO Business Studio & Spotfire is a plus. [ Good to have skill – Additional Skill – Optional(O*)]

21)Successfully lead large-scale integration efforts involving the entire TIBCO product suite giving direction to systems integration partners, client and PSG resources. These projects should include the full integration lifecycle from POC to production

22)Expertise in any of following TIBCO Product Suits
1. SOA - Business Works, EMS/RV or Business Connect
2. BPM - iProcess Product Suits
3. MDM - CIM
4. BO - Business Events, General Interface

23)Ability to develop trusted advisor relationships with client senior management

24)Proven experience as software developer with architectural experience or responsibilities. Should include at least 1 years of EAI development experience

25)Strong client facing skills - presentation, facilitation, written and verbal communications.

26)Ability to identify, define and build new business opportunities

27)Proficiency with all programming languages built into TIBCO products, including XPATH, XML, SQL, JAVA, XML and HTML.

28)Strong working knowledge on SOA or Messaging integration

29)Strong working knowledge of UNIX and NT operating systems.

30)Familiarity with application servers, EJBs, JSP and Servlets.

31)Familiarity with Web Services Concepts. Understanding of Network design, operation and performance tuning.

32)Open for Travel. Travel may be required internationally to participate in team projects and initiatives.