Monday, 28 November 2011

tibco faq

1. What is the difference between sqldirect and other jdbc activities?
2. What is the difference between shared variable, jobshared variable, process variables and global variables?
3. What are the archive files in .ear?
4.  Where we will go for ADB adapter and JDBC Activities?
5.  What is the difference between Filepoller and file adapter?
6.  What is persistant, nonpersistant queue in EMS?
8.  What is static queue, dynamic queue and temporary queue?
7. What are the transactions in tibco?
8. What is the difference between parsed xml and render xml?
9. Explain some errors in while deployment the .ear?
10. Explain error handling mechanism?
12. What is the difference between RV (rendezvous) and jms?
13. How to install tibco software components (sequence to install the components)?
14. What is the role of tra?
15. What is the difference between parse data and render data?
16. What is the use of spawn option in called process?
17. What is the use of transaction?
18. Explain critical section group?
20. What is the difference between queues and topics?
21. What is the use of bridges in ems?
22. What is the difference between reliable, certified, distributed queues in RV?
23. What Abstract wsdl and concrete wsdl?
24. What is the use of ESB BUS?
25.  What is difference between publish by value, publishby reference modes in ADB adapter?
26.   What is the use of confirm activity, checkpoint and how to use?
27. What is the difference between SOAP Event Source and Service Activity?
28. What is the purpose of “Retrieve Resource” activity?
29.  What is use of HAWK and what are the components present in HAWK?
30. What is the use of Query Builder in JDBC query Activity?
31. What is the use of “Override Transaction behavior” option in JDBC Activities?
32. What are the properties that we can set to a queue or topic?
33. What are the protocols that RV and EMS use?
34. What is fault tolerance and Load Balancing in tibco EMS and where to configure?
35. What are the configuration files present in TIBCO/EMS/bin?
36. What is force deployment?
37. Where we define error schema for generate error activity?
38. What is Generate Error, Catch, and Rethrow activities?
39. What are the other tibco components that automatically comes along with tibco tra installation?

40. What are the acknowledgement modes available in tibco EMS?
41. What are file based and process based ledgers in TIBCO RVCM?
42. What is the role of domain utility?
43. What is webservice and what protocol it uses?
44. What is the difference between SOAP Over JMS/HTTP?
45.  What is the use of durable subscribers?
46. What is file based storage and database storage in TIBCO EMS and where we will configure it?
47. What is difference between GUI Mode, Console Mode and Silent mode of installation?
48. How to define security to EMS sever Or use of SSL in tibco EMS?
49. List the X-path functions that you recently used?
50. What is difference between Render XML activity and tib: renderxml X-path function?
51. What is the use of SSL and HTTPS?
52. What is flow limit and max jobs?
53. What is lock object and where it is used?
54. What is the use of pick first and critical section?
55. What protocol that RV uses and explain about UDP and TRDB protocol?

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